
教授. 朱莉·道森 教授. 朱莉·道森朱莉·道森 教会了 会计 at Carthage for almost 30 years, but another number provides a more meaningful measure of her career.

“I have kept up with at least 200 alumni,” says the assistant professor of 会计 and 金融. “我总是想知道:你的事业进展如何? 你的家人好吗?? We have a sense of belonging to a close community, and that makes Carthage a unique place to teach.”

That’s become a defining advantage for the College: a faculty commitment to provide both academic rigor and individualized support along the path to a rewarding career.

This feature story first appeared in the Summer 2023 issue of The Carthaginian magazine.


“I always say I have the best job in the world because I get to work with young adults who are so intellectually curious. 我可以和他们进行令人难以置信的对话,”她说. “They work very hard, and they’re incredibly kind; I root for all of them.”

这种感觉是相互的. 在学生和同事们热情洋溢的推荐意见的支持下. 道森 won the 2022-23 Distinguished Teaching Award — Carthage’s highest faculty honor.

“她对每个学生都有特殊的兴趣, 我们可以看出她真的爱我们每一个人,一名学生写道,支持她的提名.


《全球十大赌钱软件app》在2021年分析了这些数字, Carthage ranked in the top 6 percent nationwide for first-time success rate on the CPA exam. An industry group has withheld subsequent results during a transitional phase in the exam, but the College’s extremely high internship and job placement rate suggest it’s no fluke.

8月, Sierra Sonnemaker ’23 begins work on the tax staff of Plante Moran in Schaumburg, 伊利诺斯州. 这位刚毕业的学生给教授打电话. 道森 “hands down” the most influential Carthage faculty member in her growth.

Competing on the Firebirds’ tennis team for four years alongside a demanding major tested Ms. Sonnemaker的时间管理. 与教授共上四节课. 道森提高了她的专业技能, 试题是仿照实际的注册会计师考试.

Ms. Sonnemaker passed the first two parts of the licensing test even before graduating. 在全国范围内,每个部分的成功率大约为50%.

“When you get to the exam, it’s already something you’ve seen before,” the young alumna says. “所以这并不太令人惊讶.”

就她而言,奥巴马教授. 道森带来了大量适用的经验和人脉. 她最初是在达文波特的德勤做审计师, 爱荷华州, and still consults for some local nonprofits to keep her knowledge current.

就她而言,奥巴马教授. 道森带来了大量适用的经验和人脉. 她最初是在达文波特的德勤做审计师, 爱荷华州, and still consults for some local nonprofits to keep her knowledge current.

在她的指导下, rising sophomore Isaak Gotberg ’26 of 出赛 has already secured two prime 会计 internships. He’s working with Deloitte this summer — one of three Carthage interns in the 18-person Milwaukee cohort — and has another spot reserved for next summer at fast-growing Sikich LLP.

甚至在入学之前,他就已经开始接触了. 道森 arranged for Isaak to take her Financial Accounting course 正确的 away in fall. 这比课程表通常允许的时间早了一个学期, 让急切的新生对这个行业有个先睹为快的机会.

朱莉·道森教授, 正确的, hugs faculty colleague Laura Huaracha after receiving the 2022-23 ... 朱莉·道森教授, 正确的, hugs faculty colleague Laura Huaracha after receiving the 2022-23 Distinguished Teaching Award. 教授. Huaracha, the previous year's winner, presented the award May 26 during a year-end reception.

采用“翻转课堂”模式, she assigns a roughly 45-minute video for students to watch in preparation for class. Bringing their notes to the classroom, they spend the period running through practical examples.

“对我来说,这是最好的学习方式,”艾萨克说. “我通过做事情学得最好.”

赢得了调度大师的声誉. 道森认为,学术咨询是她工作中最好的部分之一. By demonstrating how he could fit everything he wanted from Carthage into four years, 她把艾萨克的紧张化为解脱.

He’s also halfway through a yearlong term as president of the Carthage Accounting Association, 这是一个由——你猜对了——教授建议的学生团体. 道森.


Steadily ranked among the 10 most popular majors at Carthage, 会计 is now part of the 工商经济学院. 教授. 道森 says the more targeted focus “allows for agile problem-solving and dreaming.”

One year in, she’s excited by the momentum this new academic division has already gained. 在某种程度上,她归功于创始院长 吉姆·帕迪拉 for quickly identifying faculty strengths and putting them to use on students’ behalf.

One of the first changes to emerge is a new Bachelor of Science degree option for 会计 majors. Consisting of 150 credits — 20 more than the Bachelor of 艺术 officially requires — the B.S. 该课程将帮助学生们准备2024年更广泛的注册会计师考试.

通过报名参加 j项 每年冬天,全球十大赌钱排行app的学生仍然可以在四年内完成学业. 在大多数其他学校,需要5分钟.

The deeper dive into 会计 won’t come at the expense of a liberal arts foundation. 学会批判性思考, 沟通清楚, to work in diverse teams — these vital skills will remain well-integrated into the Carthage experience.

“Accountants actually speak and write more than they crunch numbers,” notes 教授. 道森. “When we talk with recruiters, they always ask: ‘Do your students have the whole package?“他们在寻找人际交往能力强的人.”

例如,进行外部审计需要一种微妙的平衡. 这对客户来说压力很大.

“You go in and learn about their business practices, their culture, their dialect. 然后你转身指出任何错误,”她解释道. “It’s important to make your clients feel comfortable talking to you and to communicate results in a constructive, 积极的方式.”

在教室之外,教授. 道森 brought the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program to Carthage in 1993. 约30名志愿者, 全部由美国国税局认证, 为中低收入家庭免费准备税金.

由联合劝募会管理, VITA至少服务了20人,在过去的三十年里,有超过5000个当地家庭.

“She’s been a mainstay for the program and one of the reasons it has grown so much,卡罗琳·弗里斯说, 基诺沙县联合劝募会的首席执行官.

早在从事高等教育事业之前. 道森作为一名学生,从两个截然不同的角度看待这个问题. She earned an undergraduate degree from Augustana College and a master’s in accountancy from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

She sees a continued bull market for those with a “distinguished and versatile” 会计 degree from Carthage. Graduates have held controller positions at organizations as varied as the Chicago Bulls and the Field Museum.

“每个组织都需要会计师。. 道森. “In whatever field or geographic area that you would like to start your career, 有了会计学位,你很有可能做到这一点.”


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